Friday 1 January 2021


The Toronto Chapter along with the entire Roughneck Nation would like to pass along our sincerest condolences to the family, friends and the Calgary Police Service. 

On December 31st 2020 at 10:50pm Sgt. Harnett initiated a traffic stop only to be struck when the driver fled the scene; despite heroic efforts by on scene Paramedics and his colleagues Sergeant Harnett succumbed to his injuries. 

Sergeant Harnett died valiently in the line duty serving his community.

We will remember him, we will honour him and we will walk that blue line with him. 

Rest easy Sergeant, we will take it from here.
Hero's in life, not death 

        EOW: Thursday, December 31st 2020


Vice President
Roughnecks MC
Toronto Chapter